Gjallarhorn Trailer and PAX West!


The Gjallarhorn trailer is out now! We’ve also updated our Steam page and YouTube channel with it. We had originally hoped to have early access out by the end of 2021, but there were still some issues we had to iron out. So, instead we have been holding a closed Beta to help address some of the bigger bugs before we look to early access.

Gjallarhorn is going smoothly, and we still hope to release it for early access sometime this year. If you have not done so, be sure to add Gjallarhorn to your wish list on Steam, this way you will get notified when early access starts. We have also put together an all-new Gjallarhorn section on the Horizon’s End website, listen to some of the games music and view some concept art of Gjallarhorn.


Gjallarhorn Closed Beta


Gjallarhorn Development Update!